Centering bellows for Red Baron?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sat Jul 08 2000 - 22:59:05 EDT

Hi all,

Just wondering-- anyone know of a source/cross/reproduction of the centering
bellow used in Red Baron's joystick? I've got one (maybe two) in need of

FWIW, I ened up with Chris' "mutant" Red Baron we saw here a month or so
back. It's really curious. Definately factory-made. Loks of differences--
there are clouds on the monitor surround, and that neat red cowling above
the controlpanel that blends into the monitor plexi and artwork. The
control panel overlay also looks different than the "production" uprights.

It doesn't have any stickers or distinguishing marks on the cabinet, but the
construction methods are identical to other Atari cabinets. I think Chris'
theory is the best-- this is what upright Red Baron's were *supposed* to be
like, until Atari wound up with too many Battlezone's...

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