Re: Centering bellows for Red Baron?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 13:35:32 EDT

>someotherguy wrote:
> >
> > Hey Clay, if they're the same as Battlezone - they're at:
> >
>Yes, those bellows work fine for the Red Baron joystick, too.

Excellent... Thanks guys. I already have a couple of Tom's replacements.
Maybe I'll replace the ones in my BZ and use the "good" one from BZ in my RB

Tom-- you should add Red Baron to your "compatibility" list on the webpage.
(Since it said Foodfight and Battlezone I didn't figure out RB's the same!
But then, I can be kinda slow on the uptake sometimes... ;-)

>Does anyone know of a source for those plastic pieces that
>couple the potentiometers to the joystick?

Another Redbaron of Foodfight joystick. :-/ I have a couple cracked ones
that need replacing. Someone with a metal brake and router could probably
make some metal replacements. Or, a CNC mill and a couple blocks of nylon
or something. ;-)


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