RE: G-80 connectors

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 10:15:18 EDT

> I just acquired a Star Trek cockpit with the complete system but no
> boards. I have a Space Fury cage to test the system with.
> It appears that
> the connectors coming from the board cage on the Star Trek
> cockpit are the
> opposite from the ones on the Space Fury cage. Once I get my
> Tac/Scan cage
> running, I was going to put that in the cockpit and get Clay's
> multigame. Has anyone else run into this problem? Am I missing
> something? Are my only options: 1. get a Star Trek board set
> or 2. cut the
> wiring harness(ouch) The cockpit disassembles into 2
> pieces and the
> wires have connectors where the cabinets splits. Why didn't
> they do a male
> to male extender wire instead of a male to female? That is where the
> wiring gets reversed, I think, compared to a regular upright. Any
> suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Clark

Yes, the Star Trek cockpit boardset has a connector mount (similiar to what
you see mounted on a Converta-cabniet wall) on the card cage itself, where
J1, J2, and J3 Mate-n-lock connectors are female, and the cabinet plugs into
it via male connectors. I assume that you do not have the Star Trek
boardcage which has these mounted on it. Send me an e-mail, I should be
able to set you up.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Tue Aug 22 10:22:06 2000

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