G-80 connectors

From: clark <clytor_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 20:08:59 EDT

I just acquired a Star Trek cockpit with the complete system but no
boards. I have a Space Fury cage to test the system with. It appears that
the connectors coming from the board cage on the Star Trek cockpit are the
opposite from the ones on the Space Fury cage. Once I get my Tac/Scan cage
running, I was going to put that in the cockpit and get Clay's
multigame. Has anyone else run into this problem? Am I missing
something? Are my only options: 1. get a Star Trek board set or 2. cut the
wiring harness(ouch) The cockpit disassembles into 2 pieces and the
wires have connectors where the cabinets splits. Why didn't they do a male
to male extender wire instead of a male to female? That is where the
wiring gets reversed, I think, compared to a regular upright. Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Clark

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Received on Mon Aug 21 20:30:41 2000

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