Re: Tech: Battlezone Vectors Everywhere

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 05:18:56 EDT

That looks like a mathbox problem. Try swapping out the vector RAM and see
if it clears up. Also, my BattleZone has some socket problems. I'm not
sure if thats common with them or not, but you might want to clean the IC
pins really well in the mathbox area. Whatever you do, make sure you
replace the solder on the headers for the short, wide cable that connects
the boards.


At 12:01 AM 8/27/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I have this Battlezone that has this strange problem. Here are the symptoms:
>- At bootup the game has the sound like the tank running (just keeps making
>the same sound always)
>- When the monitor becomes visible, it has vectors everywhere. Almost no
>text. If text shows up, it only shows for an instant and then in the wrong
>place. Sometimes it is stair-stepped down from upper left to lower right
>with seemingly random locations.
>- Vectors are drawn everywhere and at random
>- The moon is lower center on the screen
>- Mountains are present
>- Vectors seem to always be drawn from above or the left of the screen
>- Random objects appear in the center of the screen
>- Test mode blanks the screen
>- Every once in a while, the radar appears in the center of the screen -
>again, random scale
>- Coin up registers credits on the counter, but the game will not start
>- Voltage on the PCB seems fine. +5V DC, no AC
>Has anyone seen these problems before. Is this a combination of problems?
>Is there a BZ repair FAQ somewhere?
>Mike Appolo
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Received on Sun Aug 27 05:33:39 2000

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