He's been very quiet for the last three months. I'm guessing he's busy
having a life .... he did seem to me as being a very honest and upfront
I had also bought BW and BZ repro CPOs from Roy. The BW, was installed
and is doing fine. It doesn't get played much and is on my machine in a
(temperature)" basement recroom. Perhaps your overlays were near a window?
Perhaps your overlays were ruined by sun/heat? Or maybe Roy did several
runs with his printer, did you get one of the first runs?
I hope if Roy does more repros in the future that he'll use thicker material
and perhaps
a better printer (there seems to be some debate as to the best quality way vs.
Steven Gregory / TomW / Fabfan repro standards etc).
My vectorlist list of repro CPOs would include,
Omega Race (UR, Mini, Cockpit and cocktail)
Gravitar (best quality material etc)
BW (best quality material etc)
BZ (best quality material etc)
SD (better quality than Appolo)
Quantum - what happened to that?
AA (underlay for cocktail, and CPOs for ct and ur)
SW CPO (not just controller sticker and marquee)
Asteroids/dlx (underlays and especially ct CPOs!!!)
Sidart is another topic all together ...
kanata, on
jason Milsom wrote:
> I hope this is considered appropriate for the vectorlist. Seems like
> it is since this was the primary target audience of Chumblespuzz's
> reproduction overlays.
> I ordered two Black Widow overlays from Roy Kaplan (Chumblespuzz). At
> first they looked great but after about 6 months the colors bled
> together and they looked awful. I had not applied them yet so I returned
> them to Roy who was amazed and said he would replace them. It has been
> several months and I haven't seen or heard anything from him. He does
> not answer my e-mails. This is not an attempt to slander Roy. I'm just
> wondering if anyone here has had the same problem? Does anyone know him?
> or know what's going on with him?
> Thanks
> Jason Milsom
> http://community.webtv.net/MILSOM44/MilsomsPuband
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