Major Havoc Screen problems

From: Evrovski, Andrew <>
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 09:44:47 EDT

Hello Folks,

        I was going through the test modes adjusting MH pots to the screen
patterns as outline in the MH docs. There were screens with colour patterns
and cross-hatches etc and I followed the instructions for making

        At one point there is a screen with a red box around the screen and
then a white box just within and then another box (looked green although
manual said it should be white) that starts outside and shrinks smoothly in
the middle, till it disappears and then starts again. Anyhow I saw all
that, made adjustments and started to play the game. While I was playing
(about 15mins), all of a sudden the picture expanded on the screen such that
objects were way off the screen that I would normally see (almost like I
zoomed in on a part of the game - or as if I had adjusted the x & y size
pots. Anyhow, it was like this and I rebooted back to test mode to
re-adjust and could not shrink the screen back to the correct size (it was
still way to stretched). I also lost the red border around the tests
screens as well and the nice smooth shrinking box no longer is smooth.. it
skips sizes and just disappears and appears as a smaller box like it is in
jerky movement mode.

        Anyhow, I am assuming that my pot(s) blew or something is fishy with
them. These are the ones I was adjusting:

XBIP: R80 Pot - 200?
YBIP: R81 Pot - 200?

XSIZE: R34 Pot - 10K
YSIZE: R48 Pot - 10K

XCENT: R39 Pot - 10K
YCENT: R55 Pot - 10K

XLIN: R38 Pot - 2K
YLIN: R50 Pot - 2K

        Anyway, can anyone confirm that I need new pots (perhaps the
x-size/y-size ones) or does anyone know if it could be something else. Any
help is appreciated.


Andrew Evrovski
Development Director
Cyberplex Atlantic, Halifax, NS

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