Re: G05 Differences

From: Doug Jefferys <>
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 16:08:07 EDT

On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Jon Raiford wrote:
> I remember a while back people were talking about using a G05 that
> used a different pinout on the deflection board. I came across a
> temporary G05 manual this weekend that had the schematics for this
> version that I will be putting online soon (I forgot to bring it to
> work today). I'm also have someone put together a small doc that
> explains how to mod this for use with a newer rev G05. Am I right in
> thinking that you simply change the keyed pin and cut the trace for
> ground?

I believe so. I saw the posting I think you're talking about, and
have personally confirmed that it works with the differently-pinned
deflection board.

There are actually three revisions, just to be clear:

Oldest: Big blue caps 4-5 inches tall on a power supply board
that's totally separate from the deflection board. The deflection
board also looks completely different.

Normal: The deflection board that looks "kinda like the ones in the
color W-G monitors".

Weird: Deflection board looks like the "normal" one, but has the weird
pinout difference we're talking about in this email.


 dougj   |
   @     | |
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