Re: G05 Differences

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 16:35:37 EDT

At 04:08 PM 9/5/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>There are actually three revisions, just to be clear:
>Oldest: Big blue caps 4-5 inches tall on a power supply board
>that's totally separate from the deflection board. The deflection
>board also looks completely different.

This is the G05-801. I have personally never seen one of these, but the manual for it is quite informative. It has more of a description on each of the parts of the circuits than the other manuals. Unlike all other revs of this monitor, this one requires 80VAC CT. All others use 60VAC CT.

>Normal: The deflection board that looks "kinda like the ones in the
>color W-G monitors".

These are the G05-802 and G05-805 issue 5 deflection boards. I have 3 with different colored bottoms. These do not ground pins 4 & 5. Pin 4 is the key pin.

>Weird: Deflection board looks like the "normal" one, but has the weird
>pinout difference we're talking about in this email.

These are the G05-802 (were any 805's made with this board?) issue 4 deflection boards. Pins 4 and 5 are shorted to ground and the connector is keyed different. Pin 5 is the key pin.

There is also the WG 19V2000 which is also 60VAC CT and is interchangeable with the G05-802/805 deflection boards. I believe these are white and have the contrast knob inset on the board (which is stupid because the contrast control is so crucial when getting the bright vectors)


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