> "conditioners." Many audiophiles like to have their amp turned on first to
> aviod any spikes to their $5k Krell CD player..
You forgot the mention of special $100/foot wiring, CD "rings", taking a
pen to the edges of the CD (green sounds best!), and
> Still seems overkill to me
> but stuff happens I guess. I still have my Sony digital reel-to-reel deck
> plugged into the same outlet with my pinball machines, that can't be too
> good.. :)
Eeew... I wouldn't connect my ADATs or other equipment to the same circuit
as my recording studio. I've got a digital console, tons of synths and
outboard gear, and recording equipment as well. It's all on its own
circuit. Plus, the amount of hell experienced when you get a ground loop
in a system like this is worth taking the extra step in wiring up a
separate circuit.
But I *DO* have a vector game in my studio (Asteroids!), so at least this
post is semi-on topic. ;-) I always shut off the console before turning
the game on. Or any of my pinball machines (on separate circuits) for that
Neil Bradley "Just shut up and enjoy the Ozzy" - Horatio Sanz
Synthcom Systems, Inc. ICQ #29402898
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