Re: Stupid Battlezone tricks...

From: James G Watt <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 11:14:45 EDT

>(Another curious thing would be to replace the first-person view with an
>overhead view.)
I like that.

>Also, there's *lots* of unused RAM in Battlezone. You could probably make
>the playfield "non-random" with some work.

>I'm afraid of the mathbox and/or shape data. ;-) I'm sure it's possible to
>figure it out, I'm just not up to it. Someone else might want to.

I'd love to see some more geometry in the game - design a few more
tanks, saucers and objects. I'd love to design them actually.
how about a very simple environment with simple houses - rivers and
gullies (just walls, wedges, and lines really) and bridges?

>I have a pretty good "enhanced" recipe going now:
>1) faster turning rate
>2) double forward speed
>3) normal reverse
>4) double-speed player shells
>5) normal-speed enemy shells
>6) slightly reduced player shell range (and slightly increased rate of fire)
>At certain point thresholds (maybe 20K and 75K?) the player and enemy shell
>speed increases, and then the player loses their 2:1 shot ratio.
>Anyone want to try it out on a modified version of PC MAME with some
>modified ROM images?
yes please.

James G Watt
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