Actually, as far as I can tell, this is caused by the deflection board. I have used this monitor for testing other deflection boards, and it has given me a perfect display. Maybe I'll just recap that deflection board later when I fix my Black Widow's monitor.
So what does 60 or 120 cycle noise look like then? Now you have me curious.
Also, does anyone know what I need to change out on my Tempest to get rid of that bowing at the top and bottom of the display? That one has had me puzzled for a while.. It seemed to me there were a couple 1495's that I haven't changed out yet, so I'm guessing they are the cause.
At 09:42 PM 10/18/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>I don't think that is 60 or 120 cycle noise, looks more like a problem in the HV filtering. PErhaps there was a defective cap in the group you replaced in the HV cage. Have you an ESR meter? One of the HF filter caps might not have good ESR characteristics. See many caps are designed for 60 cycle operation, and have too high an internal resistance to be very effective at 20Khz such as used in the HV circuit. This is where one of my complaints about cap kits comes in - the caps are NOT the best for the job UNLESS they match the factory standards.
>John :-#)#
>At 06:46 AM 10/19/00, Jon Raiford wrote:
>>For those who wanted to see this, check out:
>> (this server may be slow)
>>At 02:53 PM 10/16/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>> >Hey, you just explained what my Tempest looks like :) I haven't bothered pulling it to see what needs replacing.. Are these the 2 big caps on the deflection board? I can certainly take a pic of this for documentation purposes.
>> >
>> >Jon
>> >
>> >At 11:23 AM 10/16/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>> > >60Hz ripple should look like waves on the lines, switching supply or HV ripple is usually tiny little jags on the lines. Someone should take pictures and post them up on Spies or somewhere for reference. I don't have any monitors or XY games running to demo this on...
>> >
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