Slew Rates

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 2000 - 13:31:04 EDT

I just felt like throwing together the slew rates that I could find for various vector monitors. How do these compare to each other? And I wonder how this would/could compare to that laser's spec.

   LAI XY Monitor: "2.3KHz at +/- 21V"

   G05-801/802 Monitor: "2300 Hz at +/- 25V"

   G05-802/805 Monitor: "Large signal slew rate for full deflection is approximately 150 usec"

   WG6100: '"X" amplifier = .05 inch per microsecond,
            "Y" amplifier = .0375 inch per microsecond.'

   Amplifone: ?? - Couldn't find anything in the manual.

   WG19V2000: "The small signal response of the amplifier is DC to approximately 2 MHz with the large signal being limited mainly by yoke inductance and available supply voltage to a maximum slew rate of approximately 120 usec. for full deflection."

   G08 Monitor: ?? - Couldn't find anything in the manual.


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