Of the four presented, I would pick Gravitar. MH is my favorite game but
without the guy in the spacesuit in the design, it just won't interest me.
Personally I would prefer something more widely recognizeable such as
Just my 47 Lira :)
>Hello, a group of people have joined to make the group for arcade
>(GAP). We have been making arcade attire and selling at cost to promote
>comaradarie, etc.
>Anyhow...I'm planning on doing some vector embroidered hats, I wanted to
>get an
>opinion as to which would be most popular and an Idea of how many people
>list would be interested.
>I would guess the cost to be around $7-8 each plus shipping depending on
>anyhow the artwork I have choices for are at the following links
>Black Widow - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/BACKWID.GIF
>Gravitar - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/GRAVITAR.GIF
>Major Havoc - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/MAJORHAV.GIF
>Quantum - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/vector/QUANTUM.GIF
>General information oon our group, previous and current offerings at
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Received on Fri Oct 27 17:52:53 2000
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