Hello, a group of people have joined to make the group for arcade preservation
(GAP). We have been making arcade attire and selling at cost to promote
comaradarie, etc.
Anyhow...I'm planning on doing some vector embroidered hats, I wanted to get an
opinion as to which would be most popular and an Idea of how many people on this
list would be interested.
I would guess the cost to be around $7-8 each plus shipping depending on demand
anyhow the artwork I have choices for are at the following links
Black Widow - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/BACKWID.GIF
Gravitar - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/GRAVITAR.GIF
Major Havoc - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/MAJORHAV.GIF
Quantum - http://www.galaga.cc/gap/vector/vector/QUANTUM.GIF
General information oon our group, previous and current offerings at
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Received on Sun Oct 22 21:20:29 2000
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