Re: Hantarex BW vector monitor(UPDATE)

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Sun Oct 22 2000 - 15:41:31 EDT

> Hello all, and thanks Andy for the input.


> As it turns out, the Asteroids machine that Mark spoke of (from my
> original mail in this thread) is not a Planets. Is has an Atari logo
> with "Italia" underneath it....
> He sent a link with pics of the upright along with the Hantarex
> monitor.....

I'll paste here what i said on a private mail to James on this subject
anyhow :)



i see now..

well, you've spotted only the second known Atari machine in the UK that was
made in the Italian plant... I have the other one, it is a Missile Command,
and carries the same logo on the coin door. There are some big differences
on my missile command that differ from the irish-built cabinets, or the
American cabinets. (notice the silver t-trim on that asteroids? that's not
normal :)

This would explain the Asteroids having a Hantarex monitor, if the machines
were being assembled in Italy as it looks like they were, then it is more
than likely that hantarex developed the monitor purely because of where they
are based (Also in Italy :)

So it does answer a few questions...

but nobody has any information about this factory in Italy that appears to
have made cabinets for atari.. Whether this is because of the language
barrier i dunno :)

So, it now backs up the story of the bootleg 'planet' asteroids machine that
i have been talking about...



> Interesting, looks like their TO-3's are mounted on a heat sink
> instead of direct to the chassis amongst other differences with the
> def board...
> With this, I assume this monitor is very uncommon(?) and wonder if
> manuf. other than WG and Electrohome produced B&W vector monitors??

i would think its unlikely, of all the machines i've seen, the 'Planet' is
the only other one with a different monitor (hantarex). I also know some
operators who have been operating for over 20 years, and all they could tell
me about were the WG/electrohome/ and hantarex versions.

> thanks,
> James Hagen


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