Re: New XY Monitors

From: <>
Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 14:37:53 EST

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:47:29 EST, you wrote:

>> If I were to make some XY monitor get well kits that require mucking around
>> with the tube and stuff, then I'm liable for any damage you cause to
>> yourself. It doesn't matter what I get you to sign to say I'm not liable,

>I don't think this is necessarilly true. I remember reading one court case
>where some idiot tried to sue Sharp because they got juiced trying to adjust
>a monitor with an uninsulated screwdriver. As long as the monitor has the
>appropriate warnings (and as long as the manufacturer has a decent legal
>dept.) they should be covered. The analogy the Sharp defense used was "This
>case gets thrown out of court if the plaintiff got burned on a hot stove..."

        Indeed - there must be _some_ way around this; otherwise, magazines
like Radio-Electronics wouldn't dare publish articles on building tesla
coils, plasma-ball "lightning" displays, and the like...

"There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for it only encourages them to
persist in their foolishness." --Kehlog Albran
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Sat Nov 11 14:54:35 2000

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