RE: Vector monitor Yokes.

From: mypearl <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 04:28:01 EST

Hello Peter,

>> > Okay... here is the newbie question from the Aussie desperate for another
>> > color vector....
>> >
>> > I have a tube suitable (med res) but no yoke (or anything else for that
>> > matter, but I can ship the rest) and I have several Asteroids monitors...
>> >
>> > Is a vector yoke a vector yoke? Will the Asteroids yoke work on the med
>> > tube.
>> Well, that depends of the tube's angle (90 or 100 degrees), and the neck
>> diameter. On asteroids, it might be a smaller diameter due to it being a
>> tube.
>> If it fits, it will work, best is to keep the original X/Y amplifiers for
>> Yoke.
>> Mendel
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>This is turning VERY interesting!
>modern crt's have thin necks. very similar to the neck on old b/w tubes.
>Maybe we could use old b/w monitors with new color tubes intended for
domestic tv use.

Would be possible, if the neck diam fits and the angle is both the same. Maybe
there will be some convergence setup problems (maybe a BW yoke is 'less
precise' because it is not neccesary to align three beams). Anyone?

>We would need to build a new gun-drive pcb but that is pretty easy.
>I guess the real questions are these.
>1 does a 20" color tube use the same level of HT as a b/w one?

No, a B/W tune uses about 10 - 19 KV, where the 19VLUP22 from a WG6100 uses 29

>(i could look this up if i could be bothered to find my b-zone & defender
>2 what would happen if a yoke from a 13" b-zone tube was fitted to a 20"

I don't think it'll fit the neck... And even then it might be unable to
deflect the beam fully...


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