RE: TAC SCAN - Thermal Problem...

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 10:23:27 EST

> Here's my questions:
> 1. Do you think this problem is on the XY TIMING board in the
> card cage or
> any other board in the cage ?

Offhand I would typically chalk up this problem up to the XY pair, but I've
never seen one fail like the pictures you show there.

Fire up the game, and press the test plunger on the CPU board. If it is RAM
related, it will "blink out" the failing RAM. Otherwise, the dacs and amps
on the board are also socketed, so you could swap those around to see if the
problem changes.

> Any ideas where I can get my
> hands on Sega's
> Card Extensions so I could run the board outside of the cage
> and get out
> the Freeze spray to try to locate the bad part.

(Mark moves that item one higher on his list of things to do) Yes, I was
considering making some, but got bogged down by some other projects (I would
like to be able to park a car in the garage this winter :-)).

> 2. Do you think this problem is on the monitor itself (G08) ?
> Should I try
> spraying the deflection transistors first ? Is there any
> other component
> on the chassis board that commonly creates this symptom when
> they begin to
> fail?

The monitor looks to be working fine, but it never hurts to inspect it for
cold solder joints. The G08 is known for developing them.
If you want, you can contact me directly about having them repaired/replaced
for a small fee.

Mark Jenison
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