> Of the Sega/Gremlin vector games, I know Star Trek had a
> dedicated cabinet
> in addition to the "convert-a-game" kits. Did any of the
> other Sega vectors
> (Tac-Scan, Eliminator, Zektor, Space Fury) have a dedicated
> upright cabinet
> or were all the uprights all convert-a-games cabinets (or
> other multilated
> conversions)?
Per the flyers, Space Fury, Eliminator, Tac/Scan and Zektor's dedicated
cabinet was the generic convert-a-games cabinet.
> Actually, wasn't Star Trek's kit for OTHER than a
> convert-a-game cabinet (KLOV say's it was for Asteroids, plus
> the marquee
> doesn't say "convert-a-game" like the others).
Star Trek kits, according to the flyer, showed examples of the kit used on
Asteroids, Scramble, Tempest, and Space Fury. I do not know if the kits
were specific to the cabinets. I have seen kits applied to Asteroids and
Tempests, but have never seen the kit applied to a Scramble.
> And yes I know there were some dedicated cocktails. But how about a
> mini/cabaret? Any factory made Sega vector mini's? Actually
> I can't think
> of ANY Sega game in a factory mini.
No cabaret models of Sega XY games that I know of.
-- Mark Jenison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Wed Nov 15 15:28:03 2000
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