Re: Re: Vector: Asteroids a wierd one....

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 10:32:19 EST

-----Original Message-----
From: "Max" <>
To: <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 01:55:22 -0500
Subject: VECTOR: Re: Vector: Asteroids a wierd one....

> Need some input here...
> Have an Asteroids with a bad transformer... The 36VAC for pins X and 20 is
> high like 45VAC or so. This causes game to feak out white flashes etc.... I
> have pin pointed problem by swaping transformers... (at least I can hear it
> play and the start buttons don't just stay lit red with different
> transformer) From the schematics there is no servicable parts for the 36V
> line.. It comes right off the windings of the transformer to the board....
> Of course the Asteroids with the problem has a G05-001 which needs the
> 80VAC.
> Any transformer I can come up with is set up for a 60VAC monitor.
> As I understand the 80V one only came with Lunar Lander and early
> Asteroids....
> So I have given up trying to find a replacement....
> Is there something I am missing, Is there a way to fix the original
> tansformer? Can a 60VAC modle be made to put out 80V?
> I have also considered putting in a seperate step down transformer to make
> new power for the 36VAC. Anyone have any idea how many amps I should
> compensate for?
> Is the 36VAC for the AVG section of the board????
> Any ideas welcome........Max
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The transformer may be o.k.
a secondary winding can short and go DOWN in voltage - but it cant go up in voltage.

if the primary winding shorts then ALL the secondary voltages will rise.

check the other outputs, and remember - if there is no load on the winding then the voltage will rise.
I use a 25watt lamp-bulb to 'load' power-supply outputs during test.

if ALL the outputs are high then check the input voltage selector plug and all the input wiring. it may be set to 100v and not 120v or whatever you use in your country.

finally if all the outputs are high, and the input wiring is correct yo may get away with setting the input jumper for a higher input voltage in-order to lower the outputs.
(it's cheaper than a new transformer but it may not last!)


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