If the other Eproms are all 2532's then you should be able to drop a 2716
in @ L7 if pin 21 is tied to Vcc, otherwise you will have to use a 2532.
The only difference electrically between a 2716 and a 2532 is that a 2532
has A11 at pin 21 and a 2716 uses pin 21 to be @Vcc.
It would be MOST unusual to mix families of Eproms on one board. I've seen
2716's and 2532's OR 2716's and 2732's on a single board BUT never 2716's,
2532's AND 2732's on the same board.
John :-#)#
At 04:28 AM 01-01-01, Tom McClintock wrote:
>Ok, the files in the 'Revision 2' archive show that ROM 210 is 2,048 bytes
>(16K). I understand that the 210 ROM is supposed to be the same between
>the two
>revisions, but if you look at the 'Revision 3' archive, ROM 210 is 4,096 bytes
>long (32K). A quick check in a hex editor shows the additional 2,048 bytes are
>filled with FFs, so I'm wondering if the board needs to be configured to use a
>2732 EPROM in location L7. (is there even a way to configure the board??)
>Or do
>I just stick with a 2716?
>Unfortunately, my Gravitar board has no ROMs on it, so it's not easy to tell
>what sizes go where :)
>So, can I safely assume this would be an accurate account of the Gravitar
>Revision 3 ROMs?
>Gravitar Revision 3 ROMs
>------------- ------ --------- --------------
>D1 136010.301 2532 0xa2a55013
>E/F1 136010.302 2532 0xd3700b3c
>H1 136010.303 2532 0x8e12e3e0
>J1 136010.304 2532 0x467ad5da
>K/L1 136010.305 2532 0x840603af
>M1 136010.306 2532 0x3f3805ad
>M/N7 136010.207 2532 0x4135629a
>N/P7 136010.208 2532 0x358f25d9
>R7 136010.309 2532 0x4ac78df4
>L7 136010.210 2716 0xdebcb243
>Zonn wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 21:23:08 -0800, Zonn <zonn@zonn.com> wrote:
> >
> > >On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 22:42:06 -0600, Tom McClintock <tomm@mgcap.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >>I was getting ready to write some Gravitar EPROMs, and thought the
> > >>'Revision 3' ROM images would be the best choice to use. However, there
> > >>is no documentation with the ROM set, and I'm curious to know if all the
> > >>EPROMs should be 2532s, or is the vector ROM 210 still supposed to be
> > >>burned on a 2716?
> > >
> > >You should be able to tell by the size of the ROM image file..
> > >
> > >2732's are 4096 bytes long and 2716's are 2048 bytes.
> >
> > Oh yeah, and 2532's and 2732's are the same size...
> >
> > -Zonn
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