Star Trek G08 Monitor Image Reversal

From: Tom Cloud <>
Date: Tue Jan 02 2001 - 20:03:09 EST

Hello all,

Currently I have a Star Trek in a converted Asteriods Deluxe cabinet. The
image the monitor displays is of course mirrored (backwards) for reflection
into the AD mirror. I'm about to begin to remove Star Trek from the AD
cabinet and install it into a new direct view cabinet. Any ideas on how to
reverse the backwards display?? I've looked at the monitor and whoever did
it, did a nice job as I can't see where any wires might've been reversed.
I'm hoping this is just a matter of reversing a couple wires...hope!

Man, I am paranoid about even touching this working monitor!! ...but the AD
cab is beginning to fall apart so it's gotta go.

T.I.A. for any info.

Tom Cloud

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