Re: Star Trek G08 Monitor Image Reversal

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Jan 03 2001 - 04:50:23 EST

-----Original Message-----
From: "Tom Cloud" <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 17:03:09 -0800
Subject: VECTOR: Star Trek G08 Monitor Image Reversal

> Hello all,
> Currently I have a Star Trek in a converted Asteriods Deluxe cabinet. The
> image the monitor displays is of course mirrored (backwards) for reflection
> into the AD mirror. I'm about to begin to remove Star Trek from the AD
> cabinet and install it into a new direct view cabinet. Any ideas on how to
> reverse the backwards display?? I've looked at the monitor and whoever did
> it, did a nice job as I can't see where any wires might've been reversed.
> I'm hoping this is just a matter of reversing a couple wires...hope!
> Man, I am paranoid about even touching this working monitor!! ...but the AD
> cab is beginning to fall apart so it's gotta go.
> T.I.A. for any info.
> Regards,
> Tom Cloud

All you need to do is reverse the connections to the scan-coils.

you may not need to swap the verical, only the horizontal.

fit the monitor into the new cab first and see how it looks.

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