Asteroids vector question

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 17:15:11 EST

I have an Asteroids machine that has a problem in the monitor. I know it's
the monitor itself because the same problem occurs whether I'm using
any of several Asteroids or Asteroids Deluxe boards.

The problem is the picture will get slightly more vertical, like someone
turned up the vertical size. Then it pops back down again. Then back
up. Is this something that's fairly easy to fix?

BTW, Anyone know where I can buy a new picture tube for my Asteroids
machine? I'd like to get the Omega Race burnin out of it. ;-)


Neil Bradley "I'm so hungry I could eat at *ARBY'S*!" - Sheri from
Synthcom Systems, Inc. The Simpsons
ICQ #29402898

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