Re: Asteroids vector question

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 18:14:01 EST

Take the monitor main board out and resolder ALL the pin connectors. Should
fix your problem.

John :-#)#

At 02:15 PM 10/01/2001, Neil Bradley wrote:
>I have an Asteroids machine that has a problem in the monitor. I know it's
>the monitor itself because the same problem occurs whether I'm using
>any of several Asteroids or Asteroids Deluxe boards.
>The problem is the picture will get slightly more vertical, like someone
>turned up the vertical size. Then it pops back down again. Then back
>up. Is this something that's fairly easy to fix?
>BTW, Anyone know where I can buy a new picture tube for my Asteroids
>machine? I'd like to get the Omega Race burnin out of it. ;-)
>Neil Bradley "I'm so hungry I could eat at *ARBY'S*!" - Sheri from
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. The Simpsons
>ICQ #29402898
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