I just got my 19" picture tube today from Richardson Electronics and it
looks sharp! I haven't installed it yet.
I just pulled the old tube out in addition do the deflection board (is
that the right term?). I need to fix the screen jumping size - hopefully
just cold solder joints so it'll be an easy touchup.
I also noticed that I'm going to have to remove the coils (is this called
the yoke?) from the neck of the old tube. Is there any trickery to this?
How do I properly adhere it to the new tube?
Any last minute bits of advice before I dig into this?
Whoops... my wife's in labor. Gotta run! Any advice would be appreciated.
Neil Bradley Torture is being forced to listen to a Kenny G., Yanni,
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Philip Glass, and John Tesh collaboration.
ICQ #29402898
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