Re: Asteroids monitor questions

From: Paul Sommers <>
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 23:41:09 EST


I did my first tube swap a couple of weeks ago on a B&W Cinematronics. I just
put both tubes on the floor and moved the yoke from one to the same position
on the other. I thought it might need a bit of adjustment if the picture was
crooked, but it was perfect first go.

The cinematronics yoke had a screw on a ring clamp so I just unloosened it and
tightened it back up on the new tube. I wasn't sure how much to tighten it on
the new tube, I didn't want it to be tight enough to crush the neck so I just
did it a bit better than finger tighten and tried to slip it off again - it
wouldn't budge so that was good enough for me. And it hasn't fallen off yet.

Good luck with wife and child!!!!! (and yor thinking about your monitor at a
time like this - that's a true collector! The important stuff first!)


Neil Bradley wrote:
> I just got my 19" picture tube today from Richardson Electronics and it
> looks sharp! I haven't installed it yet.
> I just pulled the old tube out in addition do the deflection board (is
> that the right term?). I need to fix the screen jumping size - hopefully
> just cold solder joints so it'll be an easy touchup.
> I also noticed that I'm going to have to remove the coils (is this called
> the yoke?) from the neck of the old tube. Is there any trickery to this?
> How do I properly adhere it to the new tube?
> Any last minute bits of advice before I dig into this?
> Whoops... my wife's in labor. Gotta run! Any advice would be appreciated.
> -->Neil
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Neil Bradley Torture is being forced to listen to a Kenny G., Yanni,
> Synthcom Systems, Inc. Philip Glass, and John Tesh collaboration.
> ICQ #29402898
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