DVGTools Status

From: Todd Bordelon <TMBordelon_at_programmer.net>
Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 02:07:36 EST

I've created a web page (real quick and dirty) for viewing
the current status of DVGTools. The original was scrapped
and is being integrated into:


Plans are to include:

- DVG binary disassembler (using my interpretation of what DVG code should
look like)
- DVG assembler (using my interpretation of what DVG code should look like)
- DVG Emulator/Coding section (see crappy old one at
http://members.home.net/tmbordelon/vect2.jpg )
- Graphical Object Editor (drag and drop vertices, add new vectors, etc)
- Text Packers/Unpackers
- Eventually move on to AVG

Anything missing?


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Received on Fri Mar 2 02:10:21 2001

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