Re: RE: Reproduction Tempest spinners?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 19:56:19 EST

>About 6 months ago, I was willing to make a plastic injection mold to
>reproduce with 100% accuracy the tempest spinner knob. I did some
>research, and came up with a price of about $40 each, shipped[...]

I traded a couple e-mails with Chris (the guy doing the reproductions) and
I'm going to take some measurements with a caliper and some macro-mode
digital pictures of my original spinner and he's going to try to do that
instead of the one he already has.

He wasn't sure on price yet.

The thought of selling these to original machine owners hadn't really struck
him, so he was receptive to the idea of having a wider market.

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