RE: RE: Reproduction Tempest spinners?

From: Ray Ghanbari <>
Date: Tue Mar 06 2001 - 00:10:28 EST

> >About 6 months ago, I was willing to make a plastic injection mold to
> >reproduce with 100% accuracy the tempest spinner knob. I did some
> >research, and came up with a price of about $40 each, shipped[...]
> I traded a couple e-mails with Chris (the guy doing the
> reproductions) and
> I'm going to take some measurements with a caliper and some macro-mode
> digital pictures of my original spinner and he's going to try to do that
> instead of the one he already has.
> He wasn't sure on price yet.
> The thought of selling these to original machine owners hadn't
> really struck
> him, so he was receptive to the idea of having a wider market.

I mentioned to Clay in private e-mail (can't post to vectorlist from work)
but I have 10 NOS Tempest knobs. If someone really needs one to fix a game
or as a template to reproduce, let me know. Happy to help.


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