Re: Stellar castle - Elettronolo

From: Ed Henciak <>
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 13:43:07 EST

On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 wrote:

> In a message dated 3/11/2001 6:00:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << i picked up a vectorgame today off a friend, 'Stellar Castle' by
> elettronolo.. >>

Viva Italia!

> This is a bootleg Star Castle. Elettronolo also did Asteroids copies with
> different sideart & control panels. I think the last Asteroids bootleg I saw
> like this came from Portugal (Ed? was this the one in 7th?).

The Asteroids we saw was definately of Spanish/Latin-American decent. All
instructions were in Spanish on the monitor glass. The PCB was stock
Atari (you have this board Mike...however, it was quite dead and had a
speed-up card soldered on it). I did hear of these being made in Brazil,
however, I am quite sure everything was in Spanish and not in Portugueese
(forgive the spelling).

The side art was much different as it had 'Asteroids' written down the
side with some wacky font nothing like what you see on the marquee. The
side art also had some rocks on the side and a happy spce ship blasting
some of them. It looks nothing like Atari side art, but the cabinet is
the exact same shape. The CP was much like a standard
Atari one...however the buttons were much different...they were smaller
and didn't have the same feel as stock Atari leaf switch style buttons.
The game we saw did not have a marquee. Of course, Mike was too busy
rescuing some stupid game at the time and paid no attention to the finer
details of this game :P! The game he got was an utter piece of crap and
should be stored in my garage-of-death right now. See a past issue of
Gameroom magazine for the junk he got :P!

I seem to remember reading about a 'Sonic' Asteroids....would this be one
of them?


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