Atari tech questions

From: Mike Mnemonic <>
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 14:04:15 EST

Hello Vector list,
    Here are a couple of questions, the answers to which have been nagging
on my mind for some time. I hope that somebody can put my mind at ease...

1. What is the purpose of the programmable DAC reference current in games
such as Star Wars and BattleZone. DVG games upto and including Asteroids
Deluxe and Space Dual though using a similar circuit, have a fixed DAC
reference current. Why?

2. Is there any easy cross reference guide that shows what vector games
were derived from? e.g. Lunar Lander, Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe are all
more or less identical from a hardware point of view as is BattleZone and
Red Baron


Mike Mnemonic

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