Amplifone bord??

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Sun Mar 18 2001 - 09:51:30 EST

hi all..

i picked up a weird monitor board that i couldn't identify, and other
collectors also looked at it in bemusement..

the best i could work out that it was a weird Amplifone monitor-Atari badged
for Firefox games.. but it is marked 'Colour Raster Deflection Board',
although it looks like it has the red amplifone transforemer of death on it

however, browsed ebay and found this :

and lo and behold, the board in the picture on the right is the one i have,
but it's being advertised as a star wars flyback unit...

can anyone clarify the situation for me?

the flyback (LOPT) is marked as follows:
A20 1152-01
1004 12T P-8-2


Andy Welburn

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