Yep, it's the raster HV board. Anyone have an extra?
Andy Welburn wrote:
> hi all..
> i picked up a weird monitor board that i couldn't identify, and other
> collectors also looked at it in bemusement..
> the best i could work out that it was a weird Amplifone monitor-Atari badged
> for Firefox games.. but it is marked 'Colour Raster Deflection Board',
> although it looks like it has the red amplifone transforemer of death on it
> :)
> however, browsed ebay and found this :
> and lo and behold, the board in the picture on the right is the one i have,
> but it's being advertised as a star wars flyback unit...
> can anyone clarify the situation for me?
> the flyback (LOPT) is marked as follows:
> A20 1152-01
> 1004 12T P-8-2
> thanks!
> Andy Welburn
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