Amplifone hack

From: Mark Greenway <>
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 22:44:11 EDT

I scored a Star Wars cockpit about a month ago and while re-capping the HV
board, I noticed that things are a little different from anything I've read
about Amplifones:

1. Instead of a BU406D, there's a 2SD869 (SI-N+D 1500/600V 3,5A 50W
)(equivalents listed are: BU208D)
2. It's got a white HV transformer instead of red or black. (and different
pinouts listed below)
3. There's a BY228 HV Damper diode between the collector of Q3 and one of
the HVT's terminals.

Pinout for the HV

1 NC
2 NC
5 NC
6 NC
7 cathode BY228
8 CR3 (B+)
9 MC1
10 anode BY228, Q3 collector

It's been working fine for the last month or so, so I've got no reason to
believe its going to blow up anytime soon, but can anyone explain this feat
of engineering? Could it be that the difference in the Q3 and the extra
diode is related to the different transformer?

If I get hold of a camera anytime soon, I'll post pics.



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