RE: Star Castle on Asteroids Deluxe?

From: jeff hendrix <>
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 12:31:05 EDT

Here is a new game I was working on to run on space duel hardware.
Download this file and drop it in mame and run space duel


-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Bradley []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:57 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Star Castle on Asteroids Deluxe?

I've been studying Star Castle tonight and I think this game is doable on
Asteroids Deluxe hardware. What I'm having trouble envisioning is the
rotation of the rings. I can see one of several approaches:

* Have the software render ALL rings, compute the positions, etc...

* Encode all angles of the ring segments that are used to make up the ring
animation and have a table pointing to which ring to use depending upon
the position of the entire ring's rotation, and assemble them in segments
in the vector ROMs

* Have all angles of rotation for the ENTIRE ring in vector ROM. However,
Hm... I can't do that because I need to be able to set the relative
intesities of each ring depending upon whether or not it has been hit.


I'm also wondering how to rotate objects, like ships. If I had a magic
point system, is there a simple mechanism for me to be able to rotate the
points and create a vector list on the fly? Is the 6502 powerful enough to
do this? I know how to do it in floating point world, but jeez... my hands
feel tied! I haven't felt this constricted since my IMSAI 8080 days. Sure
is a paradigm shift?

Also, for sound, the built in explosions will do nicely, and the pokey for
everything else.

Wasn't there a vector "compiler" around somewhere where I could draw
images and it'd compile them?



Neil Bradley            Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
Synthcom Systems, Inc.  Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz. 
ICQ #29402898	       
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