Re: Asteroids hack

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 18:25:14 EDT

> << Yeah. I can't believe some of the crap, like making the ship firing more
> accurate is $75. Literally, that's changing a randomize percentage from
> 15% down to 0%. It's literally a one byte change in the code. >>
> Sounds simple enough for us now. However, when you consider that this single
> modified rom could reduce & eliminate players from "lurking" and "cruising"
> on the machine for hours, $75 was a small price to pay at that time. An
> Asteroids machine in a POOR location would probably earn more than $200 a
> week in 1981.

Ship hunting? This "fix" would only nail the player if there was no
velocity. Asteroids didn't take ship velocity in to account when
calculating the shot trajectory. Asteroids Deluxe does.


Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
ICQ #29402898

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