Re: Asteroids hack

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 03:00:41 EDT

> > I understand there are about 40,000 of them left @ $1-$2US here and
> > there...

I think that number seems to fluctuate...

I bought 3 cases a few months ago and talked to Bill to haggle on the price.

The first time I talked to them (several years ago) they had 30K. The
second time I called maybe 18 months ago I bought a few hundred pcs and they
were down to "20K and someone is buying 15K of those". The third time I
called (3 mos. back?) and bought a few hundred it was back up to 30K on
hand. Maybe they're digging up more in the warehouse. (Or they don't
really know. ;-)

At any rate, there doesn't seem to be a shortage yet!

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