RE: Nylon Pushbutton source?

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 16:22:28 EDT

Yes, Wico is far from reliable. It's not that they don't have the
stuff...but there is a layer of "morons" in between which makes it
impossible for the buyers to get to their inventory.

I called there the other day and asked to purchase some nylon pushbuttons,
and they were convinced that they had to know WHICH GAME it was I
don't know what I want or something. Totally confused on the concept of
ordering buttons, they claimed they'd have to call me back. On three
separate occasions. Three different people. Not one apparently can work a
phone, cause I was never called back.

Try Bob Roberts.

> Are there any source for nylon pushbutton assemblies around?
> i.e., the ones that are in your game now with the compression spring
> inside, where the button plunges down onto that cheesy leaf
> switch. I love
> the action (better than the micro-switch kind).
> I need to replace the 5 on my ast dlx, cuz they are way hammered.
> I called Wico, and although they have the buttons listed in
> their catalog,
> they say they cannot get them (suppose they could update
> their catalog?
> pfffft).
> Anyway, enough rambling...anyone?
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