Wico has recently changed ownership. Hopefully the new owners will get things
under control.
Jenison Mark-QA3578 wrote:
> Yes, Wico is far from reliable. It's not that they don't have the
> stuff...but there is a layer of "morons" in between which makes it
> impossible for the buyers to get to their inventory.
> I called there the other day and asked to purchase some nylon pushbuttons,
> and they were convinced that they had to know WHICH GAME it was for...like I
> don't know what I want or something. Totally confused on the concept of
> ordering buttons, they claimed they'd have to call me back. On three
> separate occasions. Three different people. Not one apparently can work a
> phone, cause I was never called back.
> Try Bob Roberts.
> > Are there any source for nylon pushbutton assemblies around?
> > i.e., the ones that are in your game now with the compression spring
> > inside, where the button plunges down onto that cheesy leaf
> > switch. I love
> > the action (better than the micro-switch kind).
> > I need to replace the 5 on my ast dlx, cuz they are way hammered.
> > I called Wico, and although they have the buttons listed in
> > their catalog,
> > they say they cannot get them (suppose they could update
> > their catalog?
> > pfffft).
> >
> > Anyway, enough rambling...anyone?
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