Electrohome G08 Problem

From: Matt Rossiter <rossiter_at_ni.net>
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 11:04:49 EDT

I still can't figure out this monitor.

1) I replaced the chip on the deflection board - no luck.
2) I've gone through this whole monitor and checked out all the
voltages. They're all good except three.

Pins 1&2 on P900 of the High voltage unit. Pin 1 should be 2.8VAC and
pin 2 should be 3.5 VAC.
I get a zero reading on the oscilloscope

Pin 10 on the high voltage unit for the Variable Gain control is also 0,

but I figured it's because it's supposed to be (theoretically).

Everything else looks good.

When I power the monitor up (plugged into a working space fury) the high

voltage turns on for a second but then shuts off. I hear no deflection
chatter. No fuses are blowing, no parts are burning up, the. Only
sound I hear is the fan. I even resoldered any pins that *could* be

I could sure use some ideas at this point.


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