High voltage is shutting down BECAUSE there is no deflection chatter. Do you
have anything on the output transistors where they drive the yoke? If you do
then either the yoke isn't making the connection OR isn't being returned to
ground through the sense resistors. If you don't have a signal at the output
transistors then you'll have to backtrack to find where you're losing it.
Matt Rossiter wrote:
> I still can't figure out this monitor.
> 1) I replaced the chip on the deflection board - no luck.
> 2) I've gone through this whole monitor and checked out all the
> voltages. They're all good except three.
> Pins 1&2 on P900 of the High voltage unit. Pin 1 should be 2.8VAC and
> pin 2 should be 3.5 VAC.
> I get a zero reading on the oscilloscope
> Pin 10 on the high voltage unit for the Variable Gain control is also 0,
> but I figured it's because it's supposed to be (theoretically).
> Everything else looks good.
> When I power the monitor up (plugged into a working space fury) the high
> voltage turns on for a second but then shuts off. I hear no deflection
> chatter. No fuses are blowing, no parts are burning up, the. Only
> sound I hear is the fan. I even resoldered any pins that *could* be
> bad.
> I could sure use some ideas at this point.
> Matt
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