Re: EPROM auctions

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 06:08:31 EDT

Yeah, tell me about it! Next time bid on 1 less than the maximum and all will be fine (unless the other guy goes nuts

Clay Cowgill wrote:

> *** semi-on-topic content ***
> Stupid eBay feature I never knew about-- if you bid on a dutch auction and
> bid for ALL the pieces and you win, you pay YOUR MAX BID AMOUNT! Example:
> 10 pcs available of XYZ, current bid $1
> You bid for 10 pcs, with a $10 max proxy
> somone else bids $2 for 10 pcs -> your bid goes to $2.50 or whatever
> Auction ends -> You win 10 lots... FOR $10 EACH! (not $2.50!)
> Grrrrrr. I way overpaid for some 68000's by not knowing that.
> -Clay
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Received on Sun May 13 06:13:30 2001

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