Re: EPROM auctions

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 20:31:52 EDT

>Looks like I just 'but it now'ed that Fluke from under Neil, :-( but that
>person's other auctions include lots of EPROMs, Z80s, and other
>CPUs and chips if anyone needs some.

I bought about $1K worth of parts from Stacey and it's been so-so dealings
so far. On the good front, I got some stuff CHEAP - Tek 1240 for $39, 144
pcs lots of EPROMs for ~$40, etc. They seem to have caught on now and put
in minimum bids...

I got my first batch of stuff last week-- they packed it in a mix of foam
peanuts (about 30%) and loosely crumpled newspaper. Suffice it to say the
1240's carrying handle/stand was pretty much destroyed by the time it got to
me. :-(

The lots of 27C256 EPROMs were all 27C512's. They are also claiming that
the lots of 27C64 EPROMs are 27C512's too, but I think they're just trying
to get me to pass on them 'cause I won them for ~$40 each which is pretty
cheap. (They're still listing plenty of 27C64's and whatnot on eBay, so it
shouldn't be hard to give me the right ones I'd think...)

I think Al had some trouble with them shipping stuff loose packed too.

They offered me a 9010A package for $200 (Z-80, probe, and main unit), but
after the 1240 I was a bit gunshy...

*** semi-on-topic content ***

Stupid eBay feature I never knew about-- if you bid on a dutch auction and
bid for ALL the pieces and you win, you pay YOUR MAX BID AMOUNT! Example:

10 pcs available of XYZ, current bid $1
You bid for 10 pcs, with a $10 max proxy
somone else bids $2 for 10 pcs -> your bid goes to $2.50 or whatever
Auction ends -> You win 10 lots... FOR $10 EACH! (not $2.50!)

Grrrrrr. I way overpaid for some 68000's by not knowing that.

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