FYI: Cosmic Chasm control knob information

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 11:04:02 EDT

Hi all,

I took a few pictures of the Cosmic Chasm control knob because I know of a
few people out there that are missing theirs.

The knob was apparently made by ALCO, which makes control knobs. Since the
knob has a pointer line on it, my guess that this was a generic item from
their product line (not made specifically for the game). I tried to do some
leg work the other day to see if I could find it on the web, but no such
luck (there are too damn many companies named ALCO out there).

If anyone wanted to do some searching around or calling around (I couldn't
find any info on the company itself), or could maybe find an alternate knob
which was cosmetically equivalent, there are some people out there that
would appreciate it.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Tue Jun 26 11:35:19 2001

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