On Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:40:50 -0700 (PDT), Neil Bradley <neil@synthcom.com> wrote:
>> > CRT I've cracked, shot, and generally broken hasn't done much > more
>> than spit > some broken glass a few feet in a most anti-climactic
>> manner. > I've dropped > glasses in the kitchen with more spectacular
>> results! > > Anyone here *tried* to break the front face of an old 19"
>> > monitor with a > hammer? (I have. ;-)
>> This comment brought back flashbacks of when I was seven up in my
>> Uncles barn. He had about 7 TVs and my cousins and I took some
>> hammers and smashed all their tubes in. None of them really did
>> anything "menacing" or remotely scary. I can still remember to this
>> day hearing my Uncle yell "You kids better not be messing with those
>> TVs! I'm gonna fix those someday!"
>I threw a rock at an old 25" TV Console and it blew out the back of the TV
>- ripped the wood off the back and demolished everything inside. Glass
This is more the way I remember it. When I was a kid (and color TVs were still
relatively new.) We took a 25" Color TV tube into a field and started taking
pot shots at back of it with a BB gun. (I knew no BB gun was going to effect the
front). When one of us finally hit it, it went off like the previously
described bomb (explosion, missing limbs, etc.). It really was pretty
spectacular. Those old 25" color tubes were cool!
The only thing I've done recently is break off the nipple on the back of an
Amplifone med-res tube. It just hissed for a while... I hissed for a while
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Received on Tue Jul 3 17:17:10 2001
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