Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- 7805, 7815, 7915 regulators
- ? about Vectorbeam Space War
- A Little Vector/Laser Fun
- A minor "proud moment in vector history"
- Amplifone
- Amplifone in Aztarac?
- Ampliphone Def with WG HV
- Anyone Fix Amplifones for $
- anyone have a spear aux/math/pokey board for tempest??
- Armor Attack Morse Code Again
- Asteroids Deluxe Problem
- Asteroids Deluxe sound problem
- Asteroids Deluxe spots
- Cosmic Chasm spinner knob update
- Crosses for 7805, 7815, 7915 transistors?
- Depth of Ampliphone tube ?
- Discrete sound circuits
- Fabricate MH Ded control panel
- For sale: MH Repro roller batch 2
- FYI: Cosmic Chasm control knob information
- FYI: Cosmic Chasm spinners ordered
- Game values
- go5 deflection board
- Good source for 2 Watt resistors and a quick BZ Aux board question
- Has anyone repro'ed Major Havoc marquee or cpo for Te mpest conv.?
- Has anyone repro'ed Major Havoc marquee or cpo for Tempest conv.?
- help! tempest mathbox :(
- Infinity 1
- LaserMAME Demo... Saturday
- looking for a chip
- Major Havoc Art Repro Check
- Major Havoc Jumpers?
- Major Havoc Spinner Problems.
- Major Havoc/Tempest spinner problems
- MH Settings Problem
- Monitor ?'s
- need Vectorbeam marquee
- Nucleous Cannon
- On the subject of flybacks...
- One of those days...
- Only 2k
- Picture tube re-builder? (Auction Pointer)
- Picture tube re-builder?)
- Quantum MPU XY/Colour output problems...
- Red baron side art?
- Sega G80 error codes?
- Simple Question about Armor Attack
- Snap,crackle, hopefully not pop
- Source for Atari Math Box bipolar PROMs?
- Source for Signetics 82s153?
- Space Duel and BZ durability ... was: "proud moment in..."
- space duel cocktail CPO
- Star Trek G-80 Bus card extension board
- Star Trek Spinner
- Star Wars Amplifone question
- Star wars sound problem
- TECH : Upgrading Vectrex beam blanking
- Two pictures
- Update on Repro MH roller Run 2!
- Vector games Id like to see (The Bishop of Battle)
- Vector Monitor Inputs
- VECTOR:Major Havoc Marquee or CPO repro
- VECTOR:Major Havoc reset problems
- Vectrex overlays - got any spare?
- War of the Worlds marquees
- WG 6XXX Deflection: P.T.C.
- WG6102 display help needed!
- What I learned today
- WICO XY monitor colour test signal generator...
- Will Lunar Lander work on an Asteroids boardset??
- Wintron transformers
- WTB 6502 pod for fluke 9010 (working)
- You can't hide behind Asteroids any more!
- Last message date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 09:10:54 EDT
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:33:32 EDT