>don't forget rounded corners where vectors meet..
True-- I was really thinking GO-8 applications on a WG6100 type monitor.
>(The vectrex exhibits similar properties when faced with displaying
>asteroids or battlezone, far too many vectors than it was designed for)
The rounded corners will really depend a lot on the program/hardware driving
the monitor.
Since the Vectrex and the Atari AVG-like games used integrators with
"centering" to draw all vectors you can see rounded corners if your slew
rate is too low since the next vector is on the integrator before it reaches
the endpoint of the previous...
For the Sega games (on a GO-8) the hardware had "instantaneous" positioning
capabilities which show up as "tearing" instead of rounding since the WG6100
can't keep up moving the beam to a new position to an arbitrary point on the
screen unless it's about half a screen width away in "normal" vector time.
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