Source for Atari Math Box bipolar PROMs?

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Sun Jul 15 2001 - 21:09:07 EDT

Hi, another request for source information...

Anybody know where I can the 74S288 or one of the crosses? I've got a
Battlezone Math Box board that blew PROMs 036175, 036176, and 036177.

I've scoured the 'net with no luck, although I did find this

   Signetics MMI TI Harris Raytheon AMD National Intel
   --------- --- -- ------ -------- --- -------- -----
   82S123A(25ns) 63S081 - - - 27S19AC 74S288 -

And then, I'll have to find someone who can program them :-( Can anyone
help? I'd really like to bring one more Battlezone back into the world.

Thank you,
Anthony R.

Anthony Ramos________
600 SE 39th Ave., # 3  \__ ..
Portland, OR 97214      \___ information design .. multimedia production
(503) 236-6303           \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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